: Business, travel, news, sport, you name it! : A news website aggregating information from over 300 sources, together with specially commissioned articles and commentaries. Exhaustive resource website covering the whole of Africa – climate, travel and medical advice, visas and money, public holidays, getting around, people and culture, shopping and forums.
The Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor websites may also provide useful information.
Situated in northeast Africa, the Sudan is the largest country on the continent. It is bordered with Egypt to the north, Ethiopia and Eritrea to the southeast, Kenya, Uganda and Zaire to the south, the Central Africa Republic and Chad to the west and Libya to the northwest. The greatest part of Sudan is vast plain traversed by the northward flowing Nile River and its tributaries.
Following its gaining of independence from the UK in 1956, the country has experienced almost continual conflict between its northern (Muslim) and southern (Christian) communities. Indeed, in July 2011, the country formally split into two separate entities, based on the above divide, although disputes over the actual boundary still rage. Once the situation stabilises we will, of course, reflect the creation of this new country in our listings.
In any event there is little to attract the conventional tourist in the Sudan, and hence it is not a country that we envisage offering or recommending a tourism product.