Business, travel, news, sport, you name it! : A news website aggregating information from over 300 sources, together with specially commissioned articles and commentaries. Exhaustive resource website covering the whole of Africa – climate, travel and medical advice, visas and money, public holidays, getting around, people and culture, shopping and forums.
The Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor websites may also provide useful information.
Lesotho, officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a mountainous, landlocked country completely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. It was first called Basutoland, but was renamed the Kingdom of Lesotho upon independence from the United Kingdom in 1966. Lesotho’s main economy is based on the exportation of diamonds along with water sold to South Africa.
Lesotho provides a beautiful terrain created by the sheer walls of the Drakensberg and Maluti mountains, and therefore hiking and walking trails are very popular. Pony trekking has also become a popular activity here – the hardy and sure-footed Basotho ponies taking visitors into areas not accessible by road. Travel here would normally form part of a more extended tour of South Africa.